Monday 25 July 2011

Milk, Cheese, Beer, Wine: Say Please!

Every person is aware that Wisconsin is famous for cheese and the people that reside there are not shy in telling individuals that "cheese rules." They wear their renowned "cheeseheads" at their loved Packers games and their license plates profess them as "America’s Dairyland." There are numerous factories in Wisconsin and they help to make Wisconsin the state that produces the best cheese in the country along with presenting the biggest diversity. Producing this dairy product is actually quite a craft and people who have perfected the art of it have created 600 varieties and counting of Wisconsin cheese.

Numerous award winning wedges have come from Sauk, Dane, and Green counties. When you travel through this region within the countryside you will observe cows grazing, tanks of warm milk, and cheesemakers. They are extremely happy with their craft and many are more than willing to disclose the many intricacies of what makes each kind unique. They've got a love for this dairy product plus they are not scared to show that.

Wineries and cheese factories can be compared in the same sense that they are tied to the land and the seasons. Much like winemakers can tell you how a unique area can affect the flavor of a grape, cheesemakers can let you know how the land influences their product as well. They'll often refer to what makes the land exceptional that the cows, goats, and sheep graze on.

Limestone in the region together with the organisms that melting glaciers left behind help to enrich the soil. A craftsman, Bruce Workman, states that "Green County really wants to be the Napa Valley of the cheese industry." Lots of the terminology used to describe the flavor of cheese could also be used by those tasting wine like fruity, earthy, tangy, floral finish.

While you are in Wisconsin, you can also get a taste for why many say Wisconsin is additionally the king of beers. There are many breweries, famed ones and "under the radar" ones that one could tour if you are a devotee of the beer making process. Beer tasting events usually are a part of the brewery tours. Cheese is what Wisconsin is most recognized for, however it never hurts to snack on some wonderful Wisconsin cheese while sipping authentic Wisconsin beer. When you are in the area of Wisconsin, bear in mind that there certainly are numerous alternatives for lodging accommodations, including hotels, motels, bed and breakfasts and even beautiful resorts, accessible from Bluegreen vacations. If you decide to visit Wisconsin and go on a cheese tasting spree and discover what all that Wisconsin has to offer and why they are the king of cheese.

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