Saturday 23 July 2011

3 Ways Drinking Coffee Can Affect Your Health

There have been quite a few studies devoted to the potential health benefits drinking coffee provides. You probably know that drinking coffee late at night can have a negative impact on sleep quality.

Of course, many students are also familiar with the extra boost in energy they can receive from drinking coffee as a stimulant. The burning question for the moment though is: does drinking coffee actually provide health benefits or negative side effects? Keep reading to explore the possible health benefits of drinking a moderate amount of coffee.

One of the noticeable health effects of drinking coffee could be an increase in short term memory recall. There is an element in coffee beans that actually works to stimulate memory. This is great news for students facing exams.

Studies also show that the students who drank moderate amounts of coffee scored higher on tests than those who did not. Among those over the age of 80, studies have shown that drinking coffee can lead to improved cognitive memory functions. Coffee has also shown to be a direct link in the reduction in the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease and Dementia.

Coronary artery disease, or heart disease, is a serious condition that researchers are associating with drinking heavy amounts of coffee. The research shows that coffee drinking can often be associated with rising numbers of the markers in respect to inflammation. In most cases, studies showed the inflammation negatively affects the cardiovascular system. These huge caffeine doses can also dramatically raise cholesterol levels, which is a big thing that will raise the risk of coronary artery disease. It was also proven that a majority of those that were affected in a bad way were also exposed to other things that can lead to heart disease like smoking, drinking a lot of alcohol and not doing following an exercise program Researchers seem to think that people that drink less than 3 cups on a daily basis may help the health of their hearts and not negatively impact it. The main thing is to drinking coffee in moderate amounts and decrease your exposure to things that can raise your risk of coronary heart disease. There are however a variety of other diverse types of coffee maker machines for everyday and gourmet coffee available like single cup coffee makers and also espresso coffee makers and more.

It has been proven that both caffeinated and decaffeinated coffee possess a slight laxative effect that has the ability to stop constipation. Due to the laxative effect, it's thought that drinking coffee can help reduce the risk of developing colon cancer. However, people that drink a lot coffee also have loose bowel movements. If this the real thing, then moderating your coffee drinking can help to rectify this.

Don't get so caught up in the positive health benefits of drinking coffee that you forget to pay attention to the potential downside. Play it safe by drinking in moderation. If you enjoy in moderation you can enjoy all the potential benefits while eliminating many of the risks.

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