Saturday 16 July 2011

How Energy Drinks Can Damage Your Health?

Have you ever been on a coffee high? Do you know how it feels to go without sleep for days and days and yet, how you could stand still with the help of coffee? Some people even get sugar highs where they start talking loud, laugh for nothing and do crazy things. So if you were thinking that it is only alcohol that could leave you intoxicated, you are so wrong!

There s much controversy over energy drink and health issues. We have so far not heard any cancer diagnosis blaming energy drink consumption, but many people agree that the future generations will face such misery. At least, that is what the critics say. Others who enjoy the kick given by energy drinks claim that energy drinks are safe and they ve never felt side effects, no matter how often they ve consumed the products.  Then, be sure to use a BMW Z4 windscreen windblocker wind deflector restrictor.

Before we get involved in the debate over energy drinks and health, maybe it is worthwhile to study how the energy drinks are made. As the name connotes, energy drinks are supposed to give out energy. The origins of energy contained in energy drinks are mostly sugar and caffeine. However, according to manufacturers energy drinks also contain other safe ingredients that gives off energy and stamina. That is why energy drinks are advocated for students, athletes, sportmen and anyone else who needs that extra kick.  Finally, there is the HCG Diet Seattle.

Energy drinks and health still remains a arguable subject, especially where teens using it are concerned. Some teenagers live on energy drinks and are strung-out to them. No matter what the producers say some brands of energy drinks are bad to health as habit-forming components are present in the drink. According to records there are a few components that are contained in energy drinks: ephedrine, a stimulant that works on the central nervous system; Taurine, a natural amino acid; Carnitine, an amino acid used up at acid metabolism; Ginseng, properties of a natural root believed to have energy boosting power and Ginkgo Biloba, known to enhance memory.  Then, there is the BMW Z3 windscreen windblocker wind deflector restrictor.

However the point is, all these ingredients are not contained in its natural form when it is included in the energy drinks. I mean certain changes have to be made to the elements in order to include it in the drink. Thus who can guarantee that energy drinks and health don t go in to battle? Who can be sure that energy drink and health do not battle within the body and who can secure that the body has a total smooth transmission of accommodating to ingredients contained in energy drinks?

1 comment:

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